
Learning Hub isn't just another online learning platform.

We’re the ultimate destination where teachers, parents, schools, and students collaborate to craft personalized learning journeys that pave the way for academic achievement. Our user-friendly interface and top-notch content set us apart as the sole learning platform you’ll ever need. Join us on Learning Hub and unlock a world of tailored education for every learner.

Engaging Lessons in Curated and Customized Playlists.

Learning Hub places students are at the forefront of their educational journey, empowering them to navigate subject-specific lessons and playlists.

While Learning Hub offers curated playlists to kickstart students in key subjects, parents, teachers and students themselves may craft personalized playlists, finely tuned to meet unique needs and passions.

Students can jump in and out of lessons whenever they want.

Parents and teachers can actively monitor playlist and lesson history, gaining valuable insights into progress, which can be used to suggest additional content to fuel academic growth.

The result? Learning is accessible, fun, and ever-evolving, as students, parents, and teachers parents collaborate to shape the educational experience.

Digital Courses Covering All Interests and Needs.

At Learning Hub, we offer a comprehensive library of digital K-12 courses that cover core subjects, world languages, and a wide range of electives.

Our courses, designed to ensure the highest quality educational content, empower both homeschool families seeking complete resources, as well as parents, caregivers, and educators eager to complement and expand their students’ traditional learning opportunities.

Using Learning Hub courses, everyone on a student’s education team collaborate seamlessly toward academic excellence. Including, of course, students themselves, who have the opportunity to explore courses that may not be offered through their current curriculum, work ahead on topics they really enjoy, and receive the support they may need in more difficult subjects.

An Expansive Library of Over 20,000 Leveled eBooks.

Discover the joy of reading with Big Universe™, an innovative digital platform designed to ignite a passion for fiction and non-fiction reading in K-12 students. Our balanced literacy tools are accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device, making it a convenient and affordable supplemental resource for educators and learners alike.

With approximately 76% of texts tailored for grades K–5, 16% for grades 6–8, and 6% for grades 9–12, our thoughtfully curated, high-quality, diverse digital reading materials include Nonfiction-Fiction pairs, Hi-Lo books for reluctant readers, and Spanish titles.

Our platform supports cross-curricular learning and personalized instruction catering to various interests and learning needs, letting students, parents and teacher alike create customized bookshelves to save favorite reads, fostering a sense of ownership and excitement towards building a personalized digital library.

Skill-Enhancing Games that Motivate and Educate.

K12 Skills Arcade is an award-winning adaptive skills practice tool that can help students find the fun in mastering foundational educational skills. It is designed to motivate students in pre-K through eighth grade to master critical skills through gamified, rewards-based learning.

The platform uses adaptive technology to personalize practice sessions for each student. As students complete their lessons, they’ll earn coins that they can exchange for rewards, like games or items from the student shop.

With K12 Skills Arcade, students can learn how and when they want through personalized instruction and engaging content — all while earning rewards and boosting their confidence.

Let’s Get Started!

Ready to be part of the best online learning platform for students? Sign up for Learning Hub now, and welcome to academic success!